Tips to Help You Build Your VBA Business or Law Firm

Tomorrow afternoon I am flying from Denver, Colorado to Burbank, CA to work with an attorney in starting his new bankruptcy law firm.  During the time I am away, I thought I would leave you with something to think about.  When I return, I will write an article and tell you all about the law firm in Burbank and what was accomplished there.


I was recently asked: What is the greatest lesson you have learned that has helped you the most in building your business?


The greatest lesson I have learned is from making mistakes.  I learned early on how to appreciate and use mistakes to my advantage.  If I developed a product that generated little or no sales, I simply repackaged the product and sold it in various ways so that I could recoup some or all of my money.  Did I ever lose money?  Of course I did.  Everyone does.  But I simply accepted the loss as a payment on a lesson well learned and moved on.

Just like a good cook will make use of every possible ingredient in his or her kitchen to their advantage, a good business person will use every possible angle to utilize mistakes to their advantage.  Of course there are a billion different ways to do that.  It is not simply a matter of 1, 2, 3 or everyone in the world would be successful at building a business.

However, before I could even start trying new things so I could make mistakes and learn from them, I had to learn how to deal with the human emotion of FEAR.  Fear is nothing more than an emotion.  You do not need to pay a psychiatrist thousands of dollars for therapy to combat fear; and you do not need to pay money for medication that is supposed to rearrange the cells in your brain so that it functions differently in order to combat fear.  The best tool I found to combat the emotion of fear is to ask myself: If I did such-and-such, what would happen?  This way, I was able to face my fear and most of the time I discovered that fear was nothing more than fantasy.

This line of thinking is what is called THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX.  It is a skill I use hundreds of times every day in my business and personal life.  And this is one of the secrets of my success with 713Training.Com; I recommend it to everyone.


Ebook: How to Market a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Business – $32.99
This EXCELLENT eBook contains 45 pages of the best marketing information specifically for a virtual bankruptcy assistant business available today.

Video: Marketing a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Business – $79.99
In this training video I show you how I market with postcards and fax blasts.  These are the same methods that I (Victoria Ring) actually used to market and build my companies.

For VBAs and Attorneys: Private Training by Telephone – $125.00 (up to 2 hours)
Are you finding it difficult to approach bankruptcy attorneys?  You are not alone! This training session is a private consultation with Victoria Ring, the developer of the virtual bankruptcy assistant industry.

EReport: How I Built 7 Businesses – $12.99
Even if you have had failures in the past and did not make any money, you will learn from this Ereport how to handle those failures and turn them around for your benefit.


Victoria Ring, CEO

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