Another Way to Find Bankruptcy Statistics

Did you know that you can use PACER to obtain more recent bankruptcy statistics than the American Bankruptcy Institute? I kept checking for the past 6 months, waiting on the statistical data for the first quarter of 2009. In July 2009 I decided there had to be bankruptcy statistics somewhere that covered the most recent quarter so I spent some time doing online searches. To my surprise, PACER held the answer.

Like most of you, I never knew that PACER compiled statistical data, but it makes sense. When I found this section of PACER I had to share it with you.

1. Visit
2. Login to PACER with your login and password
3. Click on VERIFY LOGIN
4. Begin your exploration

According to PACER (public access court electronic records), for the 30-day time period covering March 1, 2009 through March 31, 2009; a total of 134,282 bankruptcy petitions were filed in the United States with 99,575 of those being Chapter 7 and 33,123 being Chapter 13. The bankruptcy court was open 22 days during the month of March 2009, so this averages out to be 6,104 petitions filed per day, 254 per hour or 10.58 per minute.

During the same period of March 2008 (the previous year), a total of 92,173 bankruptcy petition were filed in the United States. The bankruptcy court was open 21 days during the month of March 2008, so this averages out to be 4,190 petitions filed per day, 175 per hour or 7.29 per minute.

I realize that PACER may be a little difficult to use, but I think they designed it that way on purpose so that only certain people would be able to fully utilize its information. It is up to you to take the time and explore the other hidden gems that PACER has available. As you find them, let me know so I can share with others.

Have fun.

Victoria Ring

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