Would You Like to Receive Attorney Referrals for Instant Income From 713Training.Com?

— by Victoria Ring

Through the continued marketing and spreading of the concept regarding the training and services 713Training.Com provides to debtor bankruptcy attorneys, we receive a steady stream of inquiries from attorneys. Many of them want me to personally prepare their bankruptcy petitions, but it is impossible for me to do so and still have time to run the company and organization.

In order to relieve myself of this workload, I have been giving the petitions to the people that I have personally trained. This way, I know the petitions will be prepared correctly and I can maintain the high quality that is provided to every attorney and client that we serve.

This is really a great way for you to grow your virtual bankruptcy assistant business. You pay for your 1-on-1 Personalized Training. Immediately you benefit because I will take your business from the basics to the advanced level. When you finish your 3 hours of training you should be ready to start marketing your services and working for attorneys immediately. That is how excellent the training is.

However, another benefit is that you have the opportunity to receive referrals from 713Training.Com once you have completed your training because I know your work. But you must understand that I cannot promise this to everyone. Every attorney’s need is different. For example, some attorney’s seek VBAs in their area. So regardless of how good you are, if you live in Arizona and an attorney requests a VBA in New York, I could not refer that attorney to you. But I would refer the next attorney who contacted me who did not have a preference as to your location.


When I refer an attorney to you, I don’t just drop the ball and walk away. Because I need to maintain a high level of quality, I will review your petition before you give it back to the attorney I referred to you. That means that you can receive both the benefit of 1-on-1 Personalized Training with the Bankruptcy Review Service.

With this combination you cannot fail. Even if you make a mistake, I will catch it in the review before the attorney finds it. Plus, you will watch me on your computer screen as I go through the petition and change or update any errors. This process advances your skills even more. You will find that with each bankruptcy petition your skills will continue to improve. Once they do, you will have the confidence to get work on your own because you will have the real-world working experience you need.


I am sure that you are aware there is no training facility or advanced learning curriculum that provides you with so many benefits. If they did, you would be paying $1,000s of dollars for the service. But 713Training.Com is one of the very rare companies that do not place profits above quality. This is why I am truly eager to help you build your virtual bankruptcy assistant business, and I hope you will schedule a 1-on-1 Personalized Training session today.


Bernice Fiala, Email: bernice@xpresspetitions.com
Sidney Findley, Email: sid442001@yahoo.com
Bernard Malaga, Email: bernard@bankruptcy-express.us


For more information about how the process works or to schedule your training session, visit:

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